Here at Balanced Acupuncture our focus is not just on an acupuncture treatment. Our focus is on you, your goals, and getting results. When you book an initial session, you are evaluated by Dr. Heather. She takes a comprehensive approach to understanding how she can improve your health and life. Treatment sessions may consist of acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, lifestyle coaching, heat therapy, ear seeds, supplement recommendations, Reiki, or laser treatment.
Treatment Plans can range from 6-12 treatments
Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine dating back more than 2500 years. It works with the bodies on energy source, known as qi. Fine, hair like needles, are inserted into specific points on the body to trigger the body to re-balance itself.
In addition to the insertion of needles, various other modalities are included in the practice of acupuncture.
Fire Cupping is the placement of glass cups by creating a vacuum with fire, over specific areas of the body. Cupping is used to bring qi and blood to an area.
Gua Sha is a healing technique that involves the application of pressure to the skin in strokes, with a round edged object. Gua Sha will remove stagnation promoting circulation.
E-Stim is the attachment of small wire to the acupuncture needles. The wires are attached to a machine that emits gentle electrical impulses. This promotes tissue healing and helps to alleviate pain.
According to the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization acupuncture is effective at treating:
Neck or Cervical Pain
Lower Back Pain
Headaches and Migraines
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Arthritis and Arthritic Pain
Jaw and Face Pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Sports Injuries
Motor Vehicle Injuries
Stress related Disorders
PMS and Menstrual Problems
Smoking Addiction
Prior to your first treatment you will be asked to complete the new patient intake form. You can either complete this form on line, print it from on line and bring it with you, or arrive 20 minutes early to your treatment to complete the form. You should come to your treatment session in loose comfortable clothes, or bring a change of clothes with you. It is not advised to come on an empty stomach, or under the influence.
The treatment starts out with questions about your complaint as well as other basic questions about your functioning. Different diagnostic tests may be done including taking of the pulse, observing the tongue, palpating the Hara, or palpation of muscles. These are all different techniques that help the practitioner determine a course of treatment. Fine needles are then inserted into points on the body. You could experience a number of different sensations. These include: tingling, heaviness, achy, warming, and moving. The needles are not painful. Once all the needles are inserted you will be left to rest with some peaceful music for 20 minutes. You will be checked on to make sure you are comfortable. The needles will then be removed and disposed of.
We DO NOT work with ANY insurance.
We WILL offer a superbill, a statement with all coding insurance requires, to patients for them to submit on their own to their insurance for reimbursement.
All patients will be required to pay at the time of treatment.
Price effective 03/25
$130 New Patient Initial Evaluation and Treatment
$100 All Follow up sessions
New Patient Initial appointments will be a 60 minute appointment to review health history and treatment planning as well as do the treatment.
We take check, cash, credit card, paypal, or venmo.
PA allows acupuncturists to treat patients for 60 calendar days for a condition. If the patient requires treatment beyond 60 calendar days, they are required to obtain a diagnosis from a medical doctor and supply the acupuncturist with this information.
Cupping is an ancient form of Chinese medicine, where glass cups are applied to areas of the body using fire cupping method. It can address pain, inflammation, congestion, and digestion issues. It is a non-invasive way to alleviate stagnation and move the qi.
Can be booked as a stand alone 30 min appointment or is included with acupuncture session if necessary.
Gua Sha, also known as coining, is an ancient treatment that is a great option for those looking for a non-acupuncture session, to address inflammation, congestion, muscle and joint pain.
Seasonal Allergy ZOOM Recording
Please do not self diagnose. Please see your doctor if you do not already have a diagnosis. DO NOT take this advice instead of seeing your PCP. You should always make sure your PCP is aware of your condition.
Stress and Anxiety ZOOM Recording
Please do not self diagnose. Please see your doctor if you do not already have a diagnosis. DO NOT take this advice instead of seeing your PCP. You should always make sure your PCP is aware of your condition.
Zoom Spring Balance meeting
HEADACHE AND MIGRAINE SELF-CARE PRESENTATION: Please do not self diagnose. Please see your doctor if you do not already have a diagnosis. DO NOT take this advice instead of seeing your PCP. You should always make sure your PCP is aware of your condition. is great video